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The Render Way


Here in Northwest Washington state we are surrounded by rich green grass and small-scale farmers raising high-quality animals. We source and render all of our tallow from local farmers and producers.


From packaging to ingredients, we strive to make the smallest impact possible. No plastic is used in our product packaging and our reusable shipping pouches are made with 50% recycled and 10% post-consumer waste.


All of Render's products are made with whole, truly natural ingredients. Nothing synthetic, no stabilizers or preservatives - nothing but the purest and simplest ingredients for your skin. 


If you are a newcomer to the idea of using tallow as a skincare product, you might be thinking — Why would I ever rub beef fat on my skin?! If you are familiar with tallow, however, your reply to this question is probably — Why would I ever use anything else?! Keep reading to learn more about the incredible benefits of tallow for your skin. Or, read what our customers have to say on our Reviews Page.

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