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The Render Way


Here in Northwest Washington state we are surrounded by rich green grass and small-scale farmers raising high-quality animals. We source and render all of our tallow from local farmers and producers.


From packaging to ingredients, we strive to make the smallest impact possible. No plastic is used in our product packaging and our reusable shipping pouches are made with 50% recycled and 10% post-consumer waste.


All of Render's products are made with whole, truly natural ingredients. Nothing synthetic, no stabilizers or preservatives - nothing but the purest and simplest ingredients for your skin. 


If you are a newcomer to the idea of using tallow as a skincare product, you might be thinking — Why would I ever rub beef fat on my skin?! If you are familiar with tallow, however, your reply to this question is probably — Why would I ever use anything else?! Keep reading to learn more about the incredible benefits of tallow for your skin. Or, read what our customers have to say on our Reviews Page.

  • What is Tallow, anyways?
    Tallow is the result of a process called RENDERING, wherein the hardy fat (suet) of a ruminant animal, in this case Holistically-Managed Beef, is slowly melted and clarified. The result is a smooth, silky and highly nutritious product. Tallow has dozens of traditional uses. It was long used as a base for candles and as lantern fuel, for soaps and salves, as a cooking oil and even as a wood sealant and preservative in the wooden boat industry. Rendered tallow is shelf-stable and is known for its natural preservative properties.
  • Where does Tallow come from?
    Our tallow starts as suet sourced from ranchers in the Pacific Northwest who use holistic management practices. We work with several farms in the area to get fresh suet and render the tallow ourselves in small batches to ensure quality. We trust our farmers to use the best practices in their craft and we're super proud to showcase a part of the animal that often goes unappreciated or unused.
  • Is Holistic Management the same as Organic?
    Holistic Management is a framework ranchers can use to design and organize how they raise their cattle. Instead of a linear goal – raise cows to their greatest weight potential for resale – holistic management takes into consideration the many factors of the local ecology to create a sustainable, "whole" system on the ranch. In this system soil health, human health, animal health and environmental health are all factors in creating a successful positive feedback loop. So is this better than organic? In our opinion, YES! We see organic as one of the key facets of the greater goal in any agricultural endeavor, which is sustainability! Right now the farms we work with are not certified organic, and that's ok with us. The certification is arduous and expensive and often takes more time than many ranchers can afford. It's good to remember that when farmers and ranchers don't have their certification, it doesn't necessarily mean they don't qualify. It might just mean they can't afford that step, yet. We've taken the time to ensure that our tallow comes from the healthiest cows possible.
  • Why is Tallow good for my skin?
    Tallow is one of the most complimentary moisturizers for our skin. Tallow is a naturally rich source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E & K, which are all necessary for overall skin health and integrity and cannot be found in plant based fats. Much like the membrane of our own skin cells, tallow fat cells are made up of roughly 50% saturated fat, which makes tallow an excellent base for our skincare needs. To top it all off, tallow also includes unique fats such as palmitoleic acid, which is a natural antimicrobial, as well as conjugated linoleic acid, which is known to have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • If Tallow is so good, why isn't it used in more products?
    Aha! That's a great question with a not-so-great answer. Remember back in the day when the "health police" told us that fat is bad! and saturated fat is the worst!? That message permeated all aspects of the food and farming industry and completely changed America's consumption patterns, including the way we shop for and understand our skincare products. Instead of seeking out time-honored, traditional, whole ingredients for our body's nourishment, we transitioned to plant- and petroleum-based products that are, more often than not, highly processed, carcinogenic, toxic and synthetic. The simple truth is these highly processed and synthetic products are cheaper to produce and market on a massive scale. The need to make a 100% consistent product (in texture and color) in such astounding quantities makes tallow an undesirable ingredient for large manufacturers – not for its lack of true healing qualities, but for its inconsistent nature (tallow changes in color and consistency throughout the year and varies from farm to farm).
  • I'm not convinced, can you tell me more about how it feels and smells?
    I'm not convinced, can you tell me more about how it feels and smells? Yes! Aside from the "What is tallow?" question, the most common thing people want to know is — "What does it feel like and will it make me smell like holiday dinner?" Believe me when I say you are not the first skeptic, and you won't be the last. Actually, one of my favorite parts of this craft is watching people go from total skeptic to total convert after trying Render's products. It is so incredibly satisfying! You will find all of these questions answered in our FAQs section AND you might want to check out our Testimonials to hear what people have to say.
  • How and where should I use my tallow?
    ALL OVER! Seriously. Tallow is best used all over your body – face, hands, feet, legs, arms and even hair. Use tallow once or twice a day on your face and body, and as many times as you like on your hands and feet to keep them supple and smooth. Tallow has become a much-loved part of our post-shower and pre-bed face regimens. Post-shower, tallow helps to moisturize and sooth the face and keeps it feeling fresh and nourished all day. A light reapplication before bed keeps you waking up with a soft, smooth face and helps keep pores clear. With tallow, a little goes a long way. We recommend starting with a pea size amount. Rub the tallow between your hands to warm it up then massage it into your skin. When using it on your face, gently dab the tips of your fingers in the tallow, rub them together a bit and then spread it evenly over your face. If it feels greasy or heavy, this is a good sign you are over-applying. Keep it light at first to see how your skin reacts – you may need more or less, depending on your skin type.
  • What is tallow good for?
    There are literally dozens of answers to this question. Here is a list of some of the most common skin issues that benefit from regular use of tallow: Eczema, dry/chapped/cracked/rough skin, oily skin, acne, stretch mark reduction/prevention, rashes, wrinkle reduction/prevention, burns, after-sun care. We do need to say here that all results vary person to person and are not guaranteed. However, from personal experience and from individual testimonials we can say with all honesty that tallow is a truly incredible product and well worth trying if you experience any of the issues above.
  • Which one should I buy?
    There are a few variables here to consider: Where do you want to use it? What is your skin type? What essential oils do you like? To best answer this, We've listed each blend and it's best uses below. If you have very sensitive skin (meaning, if you think your skin might react to essential oils) start with Pure + Unscented or our Lavender + Frankincense blend. Pure + Unscented contains NO essential oils and is simple blend of Tallow and jojoba oil; Lavender + Frankincense has half the amount of essential oils compared to our other blends, making it very mildly scented and gentle enough for the most sensitive skin. Geranium + Carrot Seed: Aging/Balanced/Normal Skin This blend is formulated with radiant faces in mind. The blend has a gentle, not-too-strong floral and earthy scent, with therapeutic elements of Carrot Seed oil, Frankincense, Lavender and Geranium. This is our preferred face formula, but is also great for whole-body application. Clary Sage + Bergamot: Dry/Oily/Damaged Skin This soothing and refreshing blend lends itself best to skin that needs healing and nourishment. It is gentle enough for both face and body and helps to balance overly dry or oily skin. Clary Sage helps to reduce skin inflammation and rashes, and promotes a cleaner, more vibrant skin. Bergamot works to smooth out damaged, blotchy and scarred skin. Cedar + Cypress: Normal/Oily Skin/Acne Prone Skin This rustic blend comes fortified with the power of the forest! Red Cedar is particularly useful for eczema and fungal related skin issues as it helps to balance natural sebum prouduction, sooth infected areas and reduce skin inflammation. Cypress is packed with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties which help to fight acne and other unwanted skin irritations. Lavender + Frankincense: Young/Sensitive Skin For the wee babes and tender skinned, this blend brings together the anti-fungal, anti-bacterial & anti-inflammatory powers of lavender and frankincense to create and soothing and calming balm. We use half the amount of essential oils in this blend making it safe for all ages. Pure + Unscented: Very Sensitive Skin For those who have very sensitive skin or don't want the scent of an essential oil. Nude is a basic blend of grass-fed tallow and Organic Jojoba oil. Jojoba oil is the powerhouse sidekick to tallow. It is part of our base formula and is used in all of our blends. It is known for it's anti-aging and regenerative qualities and helps to restore the skins healthy even glow, reduce the look of damage from sun and lighten scarring.

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